Installation documentation

This page presents how to install Netzob as a Python package.

Dependency requirements

As a 'classic' python project, Netzob is provided with its This file defines what and how to install the project on a Python hosting OS.

This file depends on setuptools which like few other modules cannot be automatically installed. This is the reason why you have to manually install the following bunch of prerequisites before initiating Netzob's install process:

  • python
  • python-dev
  • python-impacket
  • libxml2-dev
  • libxslt-dev
  • python-setuptools
  • gtk3
  • graphviz

We also highly recommend to install the following additional dependencies:

  • python-babel (for the translations)
  • python-sphinx (for the documentation)

Install Netzob with easy_install

  $ easy_install netzob

Install Netzob from .tar.gz package

First retrieve the Netzob package:

  $ wget

where XXX corresponds to the version you want to install (see for available versions).

Then, you can either install a package locally (developer mode) or on the system.

Install Netzob locally (developer mode)

Once the required dependencies are installed, you can install Netzob on its current directory:

  $ python build
  $ python develop --user
Install Netzob on the system

You can also install Netzob as a Python system package:

  $ python build
  $ python develop
  $ python install

Start Netzob

Once installed, running Netzob is as simple as executing:

  $ ./netzob

Or if you've installed Netzob as a Python system package, just type:

  $ netzob

Netzob help options

Netzob handles some command line options:

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace=WORKSPACE
                        Path to the workspace
  -b, --bug-reporter    Activate the bug reporter
                        Activate debug information ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')

  Manage Netzob's plugins:
    --plugin-list       List the available plugins


Configuration requirements for Network and PCAP input:

  $ sudo setcap cap_net_raw=ep /usr/bin/python2.XX

Configuration requirements for IPC input on Ubuntu::

  $ sudo bash -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope" 

Building the documentation

The folder doc/documentation contains all the documentation of Netzob.

The user manual can be generated based on RST sources located in folder doc/documentation/source with the following command:

  $ sphinx-build -b html doc/documentation/source/ doc/documentation/build/

Netzob Reverse deeper with Netzob! (GNU GPLv3)

  • Hang-out with us on Freenode's IRC channel #netzob.
  • Discuss strategy on Netzob's wiki.
  • 's activity on twitter.
  • Reverse Enginering, Protocol, Security, Traffic Generation, Simulation


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