
Feel free to contact us on any topic related to Netzob.

Authors and contributors

  • : Release manager (lapy)
  • : Release manager, Debian Package Maintainer (otetard)
  • Alexandre Pigné: Gentoo Package Maintainer (lootr)
  • Frank Roland: Algorithmic and performances (endoderconic)
  • Quentin Heyler: Graphical User Interface (Akoibon)
  • : Arch Linux Package Maintainer (N3mes1s)

Mailing Lists

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Social Media

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Latest Tweets:

  • Sat Jun 08 Nous n'avons pas de trad. de en FR par manque de temps. Le site est sous git et donc ouvert aux contrib' ;)
  • Mon May 27 very proud to be listed right below Rob Savoye! This talk looks great!

Chat with the Community on IRC

Netzob community has initiated an IRC channel. Not only is it a great and fast way to get effective support, but its allows to learn more and to participate in the development.

Netzob uses the FreeNode IRC network, and occupies the channel #netzob

Open Source Directories

Netzob is registered under the following directories:

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FSF logo


AMOSSYS LogoAMOSSYS - Expertise & Consulting in Architecture of Information Systems and Security. (EN , FR )

SUPELEC LogoSUPELEC - Research team CIDre. (EN )

  • Contact Project Managers :
  • Hang-out with us on Freenode's IRC channel #netzob.
  • Discuss strategy on Netzob's wiki.
  • Follow Netzob's activity on or on .
  • Licensed under GPLv3 - Feel free ( as in free beer) to use !
  • Reverse Enginering, Protocol, Security, Traffic Generation, Simulation


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