


Thanks to Benjamin, the Peach Exporter is now available in beta. I encourage you to try it and give feedbacks. You can grab the dedicated git branch here :

git clone -b feature/peachExporterPlugin

And follow the tutorial here :

As a reminder, this plugin allows to automatically build a Peach pit XML configuration file, thus allowing to fuzz proprietary protocols based on the inferred model that Netzob computed.


Hi folks,

We're pleased to announce the release of Netzob 0.4.0 aka "Jumping Rhino" specifically for our BlackHat talk.

This release supports GTK+3 and greatly enhances the graphical interface thanks to Fabien André, Quentin Heyler and Olivier Tétard. Besides, it provides new functions dedicated to the vocabulary inference and allows better modelization of protocols. For this release, a new architecture has been designed: it allows plugin development (especially for Importers, Capturers and Exporters) and makes the source code easier to understand (thanks to the MVC pattern). This is also the first version to be completely translated in French (other languages could be added easily).

This is a major release as no less than 591 files where changed (60.148 lines added and 24.272 lines removed)! This release represents 46.000 lines of code.

Netzob 0.4.0 is available as a Python source .tar.gz or directly on Pypi. Besides, packages are available for Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo and ArchLinux.

We would really appreciate feedbacks from you if you try Netzob!

All contributors to this release:

  • Fabien André
  • Olivier Tétard
  • Quentin Heyler
  • Benjamin Dufour
  • Georges Bossert
  • Frédéric Guihéry
  • Alexandre Pigné
  • Maxime Olivier

Changes since 0.3.3

Here is the detailed changelog:
  • User interface
    • New user-friendly graphical interface
    • Port Netzob to GTK+3
    • Allow specification of logging level in the UI
  • New plugin architecture
  • Internationalization of Netzob
  • Vocabulary inference
    • Support of layers
    • Support customized transformation functions
    • Provide the edition of a variable
    • Support IPv4, MAC and random binary variables
    • Support filters for displayed messages
    • Allow export of a selection of fields as a new symbol
  • Import
    • Importer for OSpy projects
    • Allow user to specify the import layer (2,3 or 4) while importing network messages
    • Allow to keep delimiter while file importing. Indicate the position of the delimiter
  • Automatic Bug Reporter


Netzob is an opensource tool which supports the expert in its operations of reverse engineering, evaluation and simulation of communication protocols. Its main goals are to help security evaluators to:
  • Assess the robustness of proprietary or unknown protocols implementation.
  • Simulate realistic communications to test third-party products (IDS, firewalls, etc.).
  • Create an open source implementation of a proprietary or unknown protocol.

Netzob supports the expert in a semi-automatic inferring process of any communication protocol. Hence, it includes the necessaries to passively learn the vocabulary of a protocol and to actively infer its grammar. The learnt protocol can afterward be simulated.

Downloads and links

Download page:

More details on the official website:

As you might know, the 0.4 release (aka "JumpingRhino") is not far away! Debian and Ubuntu users can give a try at that version by using the experimental package.

We would be grateful if you could test them before that Netzob release is achieved. Your feedbacks on these packages will help us. If you find any problem that concerns either the package itself or Netzob, feel free to open a new bug!

We are also looking at packagers for other distributions: Fedora, Mageia, etc.

Debian users

Debian testing/unstable users can use our experimental APT repository.

You just have to edit you /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following entry:

deb experimental main

Then you will be able to install the "netzob" package:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install netzob

You'll find more information related to the Debian package on our wiki.

Ubuntu users

You can add the "netzob/next" PPA (more information is available on Launchpad):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:netzob/next
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install netzob

The following is a research internship proposal written in French. English speakers are also accepted.

Offre de stage master recherche

Génération semi-automatique de décodeurs protocolaires et de règles de détection

Extraits de l'offre :

Si la génération automatique de signatures de détection d'intrusion a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux, ce n'est en revanche pas le cas pour les décodeurs protocolaires. En outre, la plupart des travaux existants se sont intéressés à définir des signatures « statiques » censées détecter la charge malveillante (i.e., le logiciel malveillant utilisé pour infecter les machines).

Ce stage de master vise à répondre au besoin d'automatisation de la génération des décodeurs protocolaires ainsi que des signatures et règles de détection. L'objectif à termes est d'implémenter dans Netzob des fonctionnalités de génération automatique de décodeurs protocolaire et de règles de détection pour Bro une sonde de détection réseau open source développée au Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, notamment par Vern Paxson.

Télécharger l'annonce au format PDF :

Netzob 0.3.3 released

We are pleased to announce a new release of Netzob: 0.3.3, codename "Flying Razorback".

This release greatly enhances the partitioning performances (notably thanks to a new contributor, Franck Roland) and offers many useful features such as a new visualization layer, a new search engine, more data manipulation functions, and import/export of projects and traces.

In addition to Debian and Gentoo packages, a Windows installer is also released thanks to Goulven Guiheux.
As usual, this new release (including its packages) is available at :

All contributors to this release:

  • Franck Roland
  • Georges Bossert
  • Frédéric Guihéry
  • Goulven Guiheux
  • Olivier Tétard
  • Alexandre Pigné
  • Maxime Olivier

Changes since 0.3.2

Some of the highlights:

  • Graphical interface
    • Visualization and encoding filters
    • Mathematical filters (Base64, GZIP, BZ2)
    • Dedicated Search View
    • Preview of data rendering in contextual menu
    • Support format visualization at the symbol level
  • Partitioning
    • Alignment and sequencing by field
    • Execute alignment on specified symbols
    • Split field by the right
    • Allow the partitioning of messages with specified boundaries
    • Allow partitioning at the project and symbol level
    • Similarity score based on number of common dynamic elements
    • Optimization of Needleman : don't repeat the same computation twice
    • Implement native UPGMA algorithm
  • Grammar inference
    • Infer the grammar of a network client
  • Project/trace management
    • Export / Import projects
    • Importer for XML formated traces

For a complete list of new features and bug fixes, please visit the online changelog available at:


Netzob is an opensource tool which supports the expert in its operations of reverse engineering, evaluation and simulation of communication protocols. Its main goals are to help security evaluators to:

  • Assess the robustness of proprietary or unknown protocols implementation.
  • Simulate realistic communications to test third-party products (IDS, firewalls, etc.).
  • Create an open source implementation of a proprietary or unknown protocol.

Netzob supports the expert in a semi-automatic inferring process of any communication protocol. Hence, it includes the necessaries to passively learn the vocabulary of a protocol and to actively infer its grammar. The learnt protocol can afterward be simulated.

Downloads and links

Download page:

More details on the official website:

If you want to be informed on future evolutions of Netzob and related stuffs about protocol reversing, follow us on our Twitter account:

Besides, the Netzob team is still reachable on classical and collaborative media:


We are pleased to announce a new release of Netzob: 0.3.2.

There isn't much changes since the release candidate version, 0.3.2-rc1. Notably, this version fixes a crash in libNeedleman which occurred in some cases.

Thanks to Alexandre Pigné, this version is also the first to be officially available as a Gentoo package! All the Gentoo supporters will now be able to install Netzob in a simple manner. This package has been supplied to be integrated in the official Gentoo distribution (see bug #408013 on Gentoo).

As usual, this new release is available as a source package and as a Debian package (for Debian Squeeze and Debian unstable).

We thanks all Netzob contributors:

  • Alexandre Pigné
  • Frédéric Guihéry
  • Georges Bossert
  • Goulven Guiheux
  • Maxime Olivier
  • Olivier Tétard
  • Franck Roland

Changes since 0.3.2-rc1

The following commits where applied on this version since 0.3.2-rc1:

Changes since 0.3.1

This release includes some major changes since the first and latest stable release (0.3.1). It offer a better stability and quality while providing multiple major enhancements.

Some of the highlights:
  • Upgrade Vocabulary Inference:
    • Add Octal visualization of data
    • Columns are now resizable
    • Allows to copy message/field to clipboard
    • Support simple alignment
    • Show the current status of an alignment
  • Upgrade Grammar Inference:
    • Dedicated GUI for the automatic inferring process
  • Upgrade Simulator:
    • Specify source port for network simulator
  • Upgrade Import/Export and Traces Management:
    • Activate the management of traces
    • Handle cooked socket (SLL) packet format
    • Support of human readable format export
  • Extra:
    • The current workspace can be specified through a command line argument
    • Add manpage for Netzob
    • Apply pep8 quality repository on source code

For a complete list of new features and known problems, please visit the online changelog available at:


Netzob is an opensource tool which supports the expert in its operations of reverse engineering, evaluation and simulation of communication protocols. Its main goals are to help security evaluators to:

  • Assess the robustness of proprietary or unknown protocols implementation.
  • Simulate realistic communications to test third-party products (IDS, firewalls, etc.).
  • Create an open source implementation of a proprietary or unknown protocol.

Netzob supports the expert in a semi-automatic inferring process of any communication protocol. Hence, it includes the necessaries to passively learn the vocabulary of a protocol and to actively infer its grammar. The learnt protocol can afterward be simulated.

Downloads and links

Download page:

More details on the official website,

Netzob will be presented during SSTIC 2012 (

Netzob : un outil pour la rétro-conception de protocoles de communication
par Georges Bossert, Frédéric Guihery, Guillaume Hiet

Résumé :

Dans cet article, nous présentons Netzob, un outil libre de rétro-conception semi-automatisée de protocoles de communication.
Netzob est destiné à répondre à différents cas d'applications (analyse de sécurité, génération de trafic réaliste, interopérabilité, etc.) où la compréhension d'un protocole propriétaire ou non documenté est primordiale.
Netzob s'appuie principalement sur des algorithmes issus des domaines de la bio-informatique et de la théorie des automates.
Il propose également un module de simulation de trafic, permettant ainsi la génération de flux de communication réalistes issus de l'inférence de protocoles dont la spécification est inconnue.


The Netzob developer team is proud to announce the availability of Netzob 0.3.2-rc1.
This release includes major bug fixes to gain in stability and quality while providing multiple major enhancements.
Some of the highlights :

  • Upgrade Vocabulary Inference :
    • Add Octal visualization of data
    • Columns are now resizable
    • Allows to copy message/field to clipboard
    • Support simple alignment
    • Show the current status of an alignment
  • Upgrade Grammar Inference :
    • Dedicated GUI for the automatic inferring process
  • Upgrade Simulator :
    • Specify source port for network simulator
  • Upgrade Import/Export and Traces Management :
    • Activate the management of traces
    • Handle cooked socket (SLL) packet format
    • Support of human readable format export
  • Extra :
    • The current workspace can be specified through a command line argument
    • Add manpage for Netzob
    • Apply pep8 quality repository on source code

For a complete list of new features and known problems, please visit the online changelog available at :

Netzob is an opensource tool which supports the expert in its operations of reverse engineering, evaluation and simulation of communication protocols. Its main goals are to help security evaluators to :

  • Assess the robustness of proprietary or unknown protocols implementation.
  • Simulate realistic communications to test third-party products (IDS, firewalls, etc.).
  • Create an open source implementation of a proprietary or unknown protocol.

Netzob supports the expert in a semi-automatic inferring process of any communication protocol.
Hence, it includes the necessaries to passively learn the vocabulary of a protocol and to actively infer its grammar. The learnt protocol can afterward be simulated.

Download page :

More details on the official website, :

Download page :
Debian repository :
Mailing list :
Developer's room :
IRC : #netzob on Freenode

Contributors :
  • Alexandre Pigné
  • Frédéric Guihéry
  • Georges Bossert
  • Goulven Guiheux
  • Maxime Olivier
  • Olivier Tétard
  • Contact Project Managers :
  • Hang-out with us on Freenode's IRC channel #netzob.
  • Discuss strategy on Netzob's wiki.
  • Follow Netzob's activity on or on .
  • Licensed under GPLv3 - Feel free ( as in free beer) to use !
  • Reverse Enginering, Protocol, Security, Traffic Generation, Simulation


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