Netzob is an open source project which development team is composed of any person who contributes to its evolution from the smallest issue report to the new functionality. Become one of Netzob's contributor by providing a bit of your time and of your knowledge to the community.
This sections regroups all the informations regarding the development of Netzob. If you want to join us and don't kown how or where to start, do not hesitate to contact us.
Netzob's source code (core and official plugins) is published on a Git repository hosted on :
: the latest stable versionNext
: the experimental versionfeatures/...
: a feature per branch Netzob's Git repository tools is synchronized with Github .
Netzob's Git repository is synchronized with .
We use our own Redmine server to keep track of reported Defects, Features and Pull Requests. Every contributors must have an account on it.
We use our own Jenkins server to measure the quality of the project and detect regressions. Builds are triggered by code modifications.
We use our own Weblate server to manage the different languages supported by Netzob. Please help-us by translating few strings in your language.
As explained below, Netzob's source code is managed on a Git repository and we use a Fork & Pull workflow. To participate in the development, you just have get get the latest version, modify it and to submit us your modifications. These operations are detailed on Netzob's wiki through the following pages:
What needs to be done?
Samples? If you have any PCAPs or any records of unknown and/or proprietary communications protocols, please consider sending them. These data will help us to develop and validate our algorithms. We are also looking for computation servers, please contact-us if you can help-us.